Of you searching for GRE essay tips, the GRE awards your ability to be concise, forceful and grammatical.

Of you searching for GRE essay tips, the GRE awards your ability to be concise, forceful and grammatical.

GRE Writing Tip: Be Concise

In academic writing, it is important to be concise look that is.Let’s a common fault in writing: being too wordy.

Here’s the trick: don’t use several words when one word is going to do. Many people make the mistake of writing “at the present time” or “at this point with time” instead of simply “now”, or “take into consideration” in place of simply “consider,” in an attempt in order to make their prose seem longer, more scholarly, or higher formal. It doesn’t work. Their prose is bloated or pretentious — or just silly.


It will be that a particular number of individuals will be inclined to vote for Senator Johnson, on the basis of his most feature that is unique his ability to relate solely to young voters.


Some might vote for Senator Johnson for his ability that is unique to with young voters.

Needless negatives are another issue that is common stating your point positively is much more concise (along with more forceful).

